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Ya-Lun S. Tsai 蔡亞倫

Assistant Professor of Remote Sensing

Department of Civil Engineering
National Taiwan University

No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Daan Dist., Taipei City,
10617 Taiwan
Room: Civil Engineering Building 208C
Phone: (886) 02-3366-4253 

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Aims & Scope 研究重點

Using remote sensing techniques, especially spaceborne sensors,
for surface feature extraction and change detection as well as ground displacement monitoring.
Commonly employed sensors include but are not limited to

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, multi-spectral images, and altimeters.
Medium- (~50 m) and large-scale (1~100 km) targets are the main analyzed targets. 
Machine learning techniques are frequently used to facilitate analysis.


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Image by Carl Wang

Expertise 研究專長

Remote Sensing/Earth Observation  遙感探測與地球觀測
Environmental Monitoring  環境變遷與構造物變異監測
Satellite Image Analysis  跨波長衛星影像時間序列分析
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)  合成孔徑雷達干涉技術
Machine Learning  機器學習及目標萃取分類

Latest Publication 最新期刊發表

Tsai, Y.-L. (2024). Using Cross-Mission SAR Data for a Multidecadal Coastline Change Monitoring and Assessing the Influences of SAR-Related Factors. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Early Access, 
doi: 10.1109/JOE.2024.3425968

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EORSlab at NTU ©2021 by Ya-Lun S. Tsai.

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